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The Sober Club

So you want to get the buzz without the booze? Then The Sober Club is for you.
The Sober Club is a membership site and inspiring facebook group packed full of resources and inspiration. Wherever you are on your sober journey we hope to inspire you to live your best life without the booze.
The opposite of addiction is connection. The Sober Club will connect you to like-minded people and experts where you will be inspired, motivated and empowered to live your best life.

So you want to get the buzz without the booze? Then The Sober Club is for you.
The Sober Club is a membership site and inspiring facebook group packed full of resources and inspiration. Wherever you are on your sober journey we hope to inspire you to live your best life without the booze.
The opposite of addiction is connection. The Sober Club will connect you to like-minded people and experts where you will be inspired, motivated and empowered to live your best life.


USA, Online


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